Citizen Classification in the NWO

  Blue “Friend” New World Order Initiate Takes Mark of the Beast Geneticly modified to become a “god” Red “Neutral” Second-class citizens. Will eventually have to chose between Blue or Black. Black “Foe” Anyone seen as threat to NWO agenda. Will be exterminated if lacking Divine protection. Black-Blue (The “Blue Roundup List”) Small or potential […]

Is Mary?? Do Catholic teachings about Mary line up with the Bible?

The numbers in parentheses are paragraph references in the 1994 Catechism of the Catholic Church, so non-Catholics can know that I did not make these dogmas up, the Catholic Church really teaches them. If you doubt any of this is true, go to (online Catechism) and type the number(s) into the “paragraph” text box.    Your Mediatrix […]