Rejoice Not in Iniquity A Christian Response to the Murder of an Abortionist

Charity… Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 1 Corinthians 13:6 This past Sunday, the notorious abortionist George Tiller was gunned down as he ushered outside of his church. “Tiller the killer” is most likely in hell, suffering the full penalty for his heinous crimes. Christians, however, should not boast in Tiller’s murder. […]

Aftermath: A Globalist Vision Post-apocalyptic documentary reveals the final solution to global warming

The National Geographic Channel documentary “Aftermath: Population Zero” describes what would happen on earth if all human suddenly disappeared. First aired on March 9, 2008, it is close to a similar History Channel special “Life after People,” which first aired on January 21, 2008. This film does not seek to identify he cause of our […]

Where is the Preserved Word of God?

Having established God’s promise to preserve His Word to all generations from all who would dare alter it, the question arises, “Where is it?” If God’s Word is available today, then where is it? God’s inspired, preserved Word IS available today, BOTH in the original languages, AND in translations. Preserved in the Greek God’s preserved […]

New: Preserved Word Store

The Preserved Word Store has been officially launched.  Currently available is Bible SuperSearch downloads, CDs and customization services. Look for more to come in the near future, including literature (the Bible Series), and additional website tools. Please support this ministry, buy from our store! You can visit the store here:   (Views: 1332)

A Preview of Obama’s Change

A preview of the “change” to be expected under Obama. Pass it on! Sodomites attack Church in Lansing, MI Video: Gay Marriage Proponents Attack Elderly Woman Freedom of Choice Act Abortion Groups Confident Obama Will Push His Pro-Abortion Agenda Barry the Marxist infiltrator Rahmn Emanuel’s Compulsory “Circle of Love” […]