Born on January 28, 1706, Shubal Stearns was destined to be a great preacher. Morgan Edwards, a Baptist historian, described him as …but a little man, but a man of good natural parts and sound judgment. Of learning he had but a small share, yet was pretty well acquainted with books. His voice was musical […]
Christian Baptism Made Simple
Baptism is one of the two ordinances of the Bible and the local church. It was instituted by our Lord to be a ready identification with the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and is a basic confession of faith and the first step of obedience for the new Christian. It is to […]
The Question of the Day Are you 100% sure that you are headed for Heaven?
(Views: 6535)
Subscription Content Being Restructured
After three months of writing two subscription articles a week, I realized that something had to change. First, I was finding little time to do my serious research as these “subscription” articles were eating up all my time. Second, some of the subscription articles were coming off rushed, and were not the best quality. I’ve […]
Life Extension Technologies: Coming Soon Learn the key to eternal life!
(Views: 7303)
New and Updated Tracts
I have released a new tract entitled “Life Extension Technologies: Coming Soon,” targeted at transhumanists. It briefs technologies advocated by transhumanists for life extension (the technological content was derived from a transhumanist website), then explains that faith in Jesus Christ is the only guaranteed way to achieve eternal life. While targeted to transhumanists, this tract […]
The Translators to the Reader The Original KJV Preface
The Translators to the Reader is the original preface to the King James Bible, written by it’s translators. This is found in very few print editions of the KJV today. See also the Epistle Dedicatory . The Translators to the Reader The Best Things Have Been Calumniated Zeal to promote the common good, whether it […]
The Epistle Dedicatory to the King James Bible
In the Epistle Dedicatory, the translators of the King James Bible dedicated their work to King James. It also gives a brief glimpse into the translation process. Unfortunately, the Dedicatory is not found in many KJV’s today. Interested readers are also encouraged to read the Translators to the Reader, the original preface to the KJV. TO […]
The Unreliability of the Alexandrian Manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are among the worst manuscripts known
Bible scholarship of the past 150 years has placed much attention on a very small number of manuscripts. While there are over 5000 known New Testament manuscripts, attention has been placed on less than ten. Of these, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus have been exalted as the “oldest and best” manuscripts. The oldest claim has […]
The Nephilim: The Return of the Giants
Matthew 24:37-39 37. But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39. And knew not […]
Between Now and the Rapture What to Expect Prophetically
What comes next in Bible prophecy? This is a question asked by many. If the rapture is not next, then what can be expected? The Bible gives several things that will happen between now and the rapture. These include great apostasy, the rise of a global government, global persecution, and the unveiling of the antichrist. […]
Contemporary Christian Music Rips Off Hymns Whatever happened to the "new song" of CCM?
Modern music trends have been pointed downhill for many decades. Rock, rap, ect. have been born out of a spirit of rebellion. Unfortunately, this wordiness has crept into the churches via “Christian” rock and Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). (CCM, while not as bad as Christian rock, tends to have fluffy, anointed, unscriptural lyrics.) However, I […]
The Biblical witness against the Alexandrian text See what our final authority says on this issue
Which text is the Word of God, the Alexandrian, or the Byzantine? In this discussion over Bible texts, it is important that we look first to the Bible for an answer, as the Bible is our final authority in all matters. What does the Bible say about texts? It will be noticed that the Bible […]
The Final Solution to Global Warming Radical agenda revealed
Global warming has led to global alarm. However, man-made global warming is a hoax. Hundreds of scientists have come out against the notion. Carbon dioxide is a natural, harmless gas which all plants need to grow. Without CO2, plant life cannot exist, and therefore life as we know it cannot exist. What about climate change? […]
New, Lower Subscription Price!
We are pleased to announce that we have cut our subscription price in half. A one year subscription is now less than $20. Also, order before the end of July, and get an additional $5 off. (Views: 1376)
Preserved in the Original Greek Bible Series 5.1
Having established God's promise to preserve His Word to all generations from all who would dare alter it, the question arises, “Where is it?” If God's Word is available today, then where is it? If God requires us to live by every word, and has preserved every word, then we must have every word. But […]
Warnings about Changing the Bible Bible Series, article 4.0
In Psalm 12:7, God promised to preserve His Word from “this GENERATION for ever.” Preservation served to prevent accidental corruption of the text during transmission. Also, this divine preservation counters the deliberate, concentrated war on the Bible by Satan and his agents. This conspiracy to pervert the Word of God is world wide, and dates […]
The Words of the Prophets Show the Jewish people that Jesus is their Messiah
The Words of the Prophets The prophets of old foretold the return of the people, and the restoration of the nation of Israel. God promised to gather out His people, who He has scattered throughout the nations. And it has happened; the nation of Israel has been reborn, and the Jewish people are returning. 12. […]
Dangers of the American Rapture Doctrine Americanized Pre-trib is partly responsible for American apathy
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2 Timothy 4:3 American Christians have become slothful, unprepared, and apathetic. We have embraced the world, and the ways thereof. The world has come to the church, and the […]
The Words of the Prophets Point to Jesus as the Messiah
The prophets of old foretold the return of the people, and the restoration of the nation of Israel. God promised to gather out His people, who He has scattered throughout the nations. And it has happened; the nation of Israel has been reborn, and the Jewish people are returning. Ezekiel 34:12,13 12. As a shepherd […]