Preserved Word Ministries

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. - Jesus Christ, Matt 24:35

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Tools for Understanding the KJV

Do you want to study God’s Word, but you don’t want to use the Alexandrian versions, but you also have difficulty with some of the KJV words?  Here are a few resources that may help.   The King James Bible Companion Chick Publications An inexpensive booklet containing definitions of archaic KJV words.  No need […]


Fornication is the act of sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Adultery is a form of fornication, because it is outside of marriage, but worse, because there is a third person involved. The word “fornication” is better than “sexual immoralty” found in most modern Bible versions. Morality and immorality are relative terms. You may believe that […]

Sodomite Marriage Ruling and Religious Freedom

How will the recent Supreme Court ruling affect religious freedom in America? Will churches be forced to perform sodomite (homosexual) marriages? On page 27 of the opinion (, we read: Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine […]