Philippians A Complete Outline

  1. Chapter 1
    1. Paul’s Greeting to the Philippian church
      1. Introduces himself and his fellowservant Timotheus as servants of Jesus Christ (vs 1)
      2. Addresses the bishops, deacons, and church members. (vs 1)
      3. Greets them in the name of the Lord, with grace and peace. (vs 2)
      4. Thanks God for them and their faith. (vs 3)
    2. Paul continues in joyful prayer for them. (vs 4)
      1. Prayer for Steadfast Fellowship in the Gospel. (vs 5)
      2. Prayer for confident endurance in the faith. (vs 6)
      3. Prayer that they would be partakers of Paul’s grace. (vs 7)
        1. In his bonds
        2. In his defense and confirmation of the Gospel
    3. Paul’s deep longing for the Philippian believers in the compassion of Christ (vs 8)
    4. Paul’s desire for them
      1. That their love may abound in knowledge, judgment. (vs 9)
      2. That they may approve the right (and disprove the wrong) (“approve things that are excellent”), (vs 10)
        1. This will lead them to be sincere, and without offense unto Christ’s coming.
      3. That they will abound with the fruits of righteousness. (vs 11)
        1. Fruit comes by Jesus Christ
        2. Fruit abounds unto the glory and praise of God
    5. God is glorified by Paul’s suffering.
      1. Paul’s imprisonment leads to bold preaching. (vs 12)
        1. His bondage for the sake of Christ is manifest everywhere, including the palace.. (v13)
        2. Christians are emboldened by Paul’s imprisonment to preach the Gospel. (vs 14)
      2. Paul is glad the gospel is preached, despite the motive. (vs 15)
        1. Some preach with the intention to add to Paul’s troubles. (vs 16)
        2. Others preach the gospel sincerely (vs 17)
        3. Paul rejoices that the Gospel is preached, regardless of the motive. (vs 18)
    6. Paul’s expectations
      1. Personal Salvation. (vs 19)
      2. Prayer of the Saints. (vs 19)
      3. Supply of the Holy Spirit. (vs 19)
      4. Boldness in preaching. (vs 20)
      5. That Christ will be magnified in his body, by his life and death (vs 20)
      6. Release from prison.
        1. Paul isn’t sure whether he will live or die. (vs 22)
        2. He desires to be with Christ, which is far better. (vs 23)
        3. But he knows he needs to do more work here (vs 24)
        4. Paul is confident that he will be released. (vs 25)
      7. Continuation of Ministry (vs 25)
        1. He will visit Philipi again. (vs 26)
    7. The Christian life and persecution
      1. Live the Gospel (vs 27)
      2. Stand fast, united in the right spirit. Do not have a bad spirit. (vs 27)
      3. Strive for the faith (vs 27)
      4. Do not be terrified. (vs 28)
        1. The believer’s boldness is a token of perdition against the nonbeliever.
        2. The believer’s boldness is a token of the salvation of God to other believers.
      5. Persecution is normal. All who believe on Christ will suffer for His sake. (vs 29)
      6. Phillipian believers (and all believers) experience the sufferings of Paul. (vs 30)
  2. Chapter 2
    1. The Christian’s relationship to fellow Christian laborers.
      1. The rational for these requirements (vs 1)
        1. Our Consolation in Christ
        2. Our Comfort of Love
        3. Our Fellowship of the Spirit
      2. Be of like mind and like love with other believers. (vs 2)
      3. Do not exalt yourself. (vs 3)
      4. Value others better than yourself. (vs 3)
      5. Care about the well being of others. (vs 4)
      6. Christ is our example of humility (vs 5)
        1. He is equal to God (vs 6)
        2. Yet he became a man, a servant, having no reputation or recognition. (vs 7)
        3. He humbled Himself unto the death of the cross. (vs 8)
      7. Christ our example of exaltation
        1. He is Highly exalted by God. (vs 9)
        2. Every knee will bow to Him. (vs 10)
          All in heaven, in earth, and under the earth (in Hell) will submit to Him.
        3. Every tongue will confess Him. (vs 11)
    2. Obedience
      1. Christ is our example of obedience. (vs 12)
      2. Don’t use absence of authority for excuse for disobedience. (vs 12)
      3. God works in us to want to do what pleases Him. (vs 13)
      4. Do everything without murmuring or arguing against God’s commandments or God’s authority. (vs 14)
      5. Obedience will cause you to be blameless for the Gospel’s sake as you shine as lights in the world. (vs 15)
      6. Hold fast the Word, that you don’t live the Christian life in vain. (vs 16)
    3. Paul’s rejoicing
      1. In possible sacrifice (death) for Christ. (vs 17)
      2. In the Philippian believers rejoicing with him. (vs 18)
    4. Paul and fellow servants an example of servant leadership
      1. Timotheous
        1. Coming soon to check on believers. (vs 19)
        2. Naturally cares for the Philippian church .(vs 20)
        3. Contrasted to most others, who care only for their own needs. (vs 21)
        4. Served as a son with Paul in the Gospel (vs 22)
        5. Coming to Philippi shortly (vs 23)
      2. Paul
        1. Is also coming to visit soon (vs 24)
      3. Ephaphroditus
        1. Necessity to send him to Philippi. (vs 25)
        2. Ministry to Paul’s needs (despite being sick). (vs 25)
        3. Desire to visit the Philippian believers. (vs 26)
        4. Sickness close to death. (vs 26,27)
        5. Journey for their rejoicing. (vs 28)
        6. Esteem to be held. (vs 29)
        7. Disregard of his life for work of Christ. (vs 30)
  3. Chapter 3
    1. Paul emphasizes warning.
      1. Repetition of truth is safety. (vs 1)
      2. Beware of evil workers, apostate Jews. (vs 2)
      3. Christians are the true circumcision, that of the heart. (vs 3)
    2. Self righteousness vs righteousness in Christ
      1. Paul’s legalistic confidence of righteousness. (vs 4)
      2. Paul’s legalistic resume:
        1. Circumcision (vs 5)
        2. Stock of Israel (vs 5)
        3. Tribe of Benjamin (vs 5)
        4. Hebrew of Hebrews (vs 5)
        5. Pharisee (vs 5)
        6. Zealously persecuting the church (vs 6)
        7. Blamelessly following the Law (vs 6)
      3. Paul’s exchange of sin, self righteousness for Christ
        1. Counted these loss for Christ (vs 7)
        2. Lost all, and counted it worthless, to gain Christ. (vs 8)
        3. All things considered dung when compared with Christ (vs 8)
        4. Righteousness of faith better than righteousness by the Law (vs 9)
        5. God’s righteousness is better than Paul’s righteousness. (vs 10)
      4. Knowing Christ
        1. The power of His resurrection (vs 10)
        2. The fellowship of His sufferings (much detailed in this book) (vs 10)
        3. The death to the world, like Christ. (vs 10)
        4. Attain the resurrection of the dead, like Christ. (vs 11)
    3. Running the Race
      1. Paul is not finished, but is running after Christ. (vs 12)
      2. The key to moving forward is forgetting the past, and reaching toward the future. (vs 13)
      3. Press toward the high calling. (vs 14)
      4. This is an example for everyone. (vs 15)
      5. Do not look back on what you have already accomplished, but keep pushing forward (vs 16)
    4. Apostles an example to follow (vs 17)
      1. Reason for the example:
        1. There are many deceivers, worldly Christian, false shepherds (vs 18)
        2. These are destined for destruction. (vs 19)
      2. Our life is in heaven (vs 20)
      3. We anticipate the second coming of Christ, and the changing of our body. (vs 20,21)
  4. Chapter 4
    1. Stand fast in the Lord (vs 1)
    2. Messages for specific individuals (vs 2)
      1. Euodias and Synthyche are admonished to be of the same mind.
    3. Help those fellowlaborers who have helped me. (vs 3)
    4. Obtaining the joy and peace of the Lord (vs 4-9)
      1. Rejoice in the Lord always (vs 4)
      2. Let your moderation be known (vs 5)
      3. Don’t worry
        1. Make your requests known to God (vs 6)
        2. Then, the peace of God will keep you (vs 7)
      4. Things to set your thoughts upon (vs 8)
        1. What is true.
        2. What is honest.
        3. What is just.
        4. What is pure.
        5. What is lovely.
        6. What is of good report.
      5. Do these things, and the God of peace will be with you (vs 9)
    5. Have contentment in all things.
      1. Paul rejoices in their renewed support. (vs 10)
      2. Paul content in all states. (vs 11)
        1. In need (vs 12)
        2. In plenty (vs 12)
      3. We can do all things through Christ. (vs 13)
    6. God supplies our need
      1. The Philippians supported Paul’s need. (vs 14-18)
        1. Paul commends their well doing. (vs 14)
        2. They were his only support. (vs 15)
        3. They sent funds to him at Thessalonica. (vs 16)
        4. This is a fruit in their account, to be rewarded of God. (vs 17)
        5. Their gift an offering of incense to God. (vs 18)
      2. The Philippians need supported by God. “My God shall supply all your need…” (vs 19)
    7. Paul’s closing remarks (vs 20-23)
      1. Glory given to God. (vs 20)
      2. Greet all the saints (fellow believers). (vs 21)
      3. The saints greet those at Phillipi. (vs 21, 22)
      4. The grace of the Lord be with you. (vs 23)


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Updated: February 24, 2015 — 1:35 AM