The term “avatar” has been used greatly to describe one’s presence in a virtual world. Computer-generated (CG) fantasy worlds, such as Second Life and World of Warcraft use the term avatar to describe the 3D representation of your virtual self. The term avatar is also used to describe 2D representations such as profile pictures and […]
Emerging technologies promise to extend the human lifespan, possibly even indefinitely. Other technologies promise to “enhance” the human body beyond it's natural capabilities, and accelerate human evolution. Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates the use of any and all technologies to produce this "next step in human evolution." The Christian, however, recognized evolution as a Satanic lie, and will resist evolutionary advancement. What are the advantages of these technologies? Will those who accept enhancement loose the “image of God” that they were created with? Is transhumanism a revival of eugenics?
Avatar at First Glance Film appears to be a major propaganda piece
James Cameron’s Avatar opened in theaters on Dec 18, 2009. This film appears to be another supertechnological transhumanism propaganda film, following on the heels of the Matrix series. In this film, humans attempt to negotiate with humanoid aliens called Na’vi. The Na’vi are blue, catlike in appearance, and are physically stronger and several feet taller […]
Life Extension Technologies: Coming Soon Learn the key to eternal life!
(Views: 7303)
The Nephilim: The Return of the Giants
Matthew 24:37-39 37. But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39. And knew not […]
Transhumanist Quiz Ten Questions from the WTA show true nature of transhumanism
The World Transhumanist Association poses the ten questions below, to help individuals see if they agree with the principles of transhumanism. This quiz shows more of the beliefs of transhumanism. If you answer yes to a question, you are in agreement with them. I took the quiz, giving a response and answer to each question. 1. Do […]
Transhumanism: An Introduction Another ISM of which to be aware
Humanism is an ideology that advocates the goal of the happiness of man. According to humanists, the purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness. That is, “whoever dies with the most toys wins.” We exist to be happy. Humanism is in direct conflict with the Biblical worldview. The Bible says the purpose of life […]
Is the Matrix Real? The technologies may be avaliable soon.
Neo: Right now we’re inside a computer program? Morpheus: Is it really so hard to believe? Your clothes are different. The plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair is changed. Your appearance now is what we call residual self image. It is the mental projection of your digital self. Neo: This…this isn’t […]