What comes next in Bible prophecy? This is a question asked by many. If the rapture is not next, then what can be expected? The Bible gives several things that will happen between now and the rapture. These include great apostasy, the rise of a global government, global persecution, and the unveiling of the antichrist. […]
Prophecy & Technology
Modern technology has far surpassed anything seen in previous generations. Our ancestors could never have even imagined the technologies that we now use everyday. However, God revealed the future to His servants, the prophets. Some had dreams, and some had visions. These men saw the technologies of our present time, and of our future. However, they did not have words to describe the technologies that they saw. They explained what they saw the best they could.
This section explores Bible prophecy, modern technologies, and the links between them. In particular, technologies leading up to the Mark of the Beast will be examined.
Fulfilled Prophecy
Fulfilled prophecy is another testimony to the accuracy of the Bible. See that these prophecies were fulfilled exactly as written, even if it does not match traditional interpretation of the prophecy.
New World Order
Global Government is not conspiracy theory, but Bible prophecy. The Bible clearly states that the Antichrist will strive to place the whole world under his control. Here, we examine world events leading to the prophesied “New World Order.”
Population Control
The book of Revelation prophecies a population reduction of over 66%. The global elites have expressed their desire to reduce the world population by 80%, 90%, or even 95%. Is their a connection between this plot and the prophecies of Revelation? How many of the plagues of Revelation are man-made disasters?
Slave Grid
Technology can be used to empower humanity, but the globalists are using it to enslave humanity. This details the technologies being used to implement a “Big Brother” style slave grid to track, monitor, control, censor, scrutinize, and micromanage every aspect of our lives.
The Mark of the Beast
Without the Antichrist's “Mark,” you will not be able to buy and sell, but if you take the Mark, you are automatically damned to Hell. The Mark of the Beast is directly tied to the worship of the Beast. What is this Mark? What technologies could be involved? Is it a tattoo? Is it a microchip implant? Why does it result in the permanent loss of one's soul?
Emerging technologies promise to extend the human lifespan, possibly even indefinitely. Other technologies promise to “enhance” the human body beyond it's natural capabilities, and accelerate human evolution. Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates the use of any and all technologies to produce this "next step in human evolution." The Christian, however, recognized evolution as a Satanic lie, and will resist evolutionary advancement. What are the advantages of these technologies? Will those who accept enhancement loose the “image of God” that they were created with? Is transhumanism a revival of eugenics?
Dangers of the American Rapture Doctrine Americanized Pre-trib is partly responsible for American apathy
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2 Timothy 4:3 American Christians have become slothful, unprepared, and apathetic. We have embraced the world, and the ways thereof. The world has come to the church, and the […]
The Seal Judgments The first set of the judgments of Revelation
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Revelation 5:1 The book of Revelation lists three slots of seven judgments that will occur near or during the tribulation. First is the seal judgments, followed by the trumpet […]
The Case For Judgment Why God will punish the United States
Introduction 2 Kings 21 1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Hephzi-bah. 2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before […]
The Righteous Revolution Was the American Revolution Blessed by God?
7 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and forgat the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the groves. 8 Therefore the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel served […]
Why America Will Be Judged
(Views: 3774)
Oh America, Repent, For Your Judgment Draweth Nigh!
The land is filled, filled with innocent blood. The judgment is no longer afar off, it is coming very soon! But you say, what innocent blood? The blood of 50 million babies cries to the Lord from the ground. American soil is soaked with the blood of our own children! Yet still you will say, […]
The Second Coming of Christ He is coming sooner than you think!
Behold, I come quickly. . . – Revelation 22:7 Our Lord Jesus Christ is returning very soon! His return is imminent, it could happen today. It could happen tomorrow, next month or next year. The Second Coming is the hope of the Christian, it is the expectation of the believer. It is one of […]
Persecution of Christians is Coming to America
As I see the moral rot in America, I know that the future must be bleak. The people are caught up in their own thing, not caring about our nation’s future. All they worry about is their stock portfolios, their football games, and their celebrity gossip. More and more its becoming like the “bread and circuses” of the […]