Preserved Word Ministries

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. - Jesus Christ, Matt 24:35

Preserved Word Blog

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New and Updated Tracts

I have released a new tract entitled “Life Extension Technologies: Coming Soon,” targeted at transhumanists.  It briefs technologies advocated by transhumanists for life extension (the technological content was derived from a transhumanist website), then explains that faith in Jesus Christ is the only guaranteed way to achieve eternal life.  While targeted to transhumanists, this tract […]

New: Preserved Word Store

The Preserved Word Store has been officially launched.  Currently available is Bible SuperSearch downloads, CDs and customization services. Look for more to come in the near future, including literature (the Bible Series), and additional website tools. Please support this ministry, buy from our store! You can visit the store here:   (Views: 1332)

A Preview of Obama’s Change

A preview of the “change” to be expected under Obama. Pass it on! Sodomites attack Church in Lansing, MI Video: Gay Marriage Proponents Attack Elderly Woman Freedom of Choice Act Abortion Groups Confident Obama Will Push His Pro-Abortion Agenda Barry the Marxist infiltrator Rahmn Emanuel’s Compulsory “Circle of Love” […]

Ministry Coming Back

This ministry is back! I am in the process of writing more articles. Also, the Bible ministry will be back in operation soon. After prayerfull consideration, I have decided to discontinue all active development on Bible SuperSearch, our web-based open source Bible software. There is much more important work the Lord wants me to do. […]