If you’re new to the Bible, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Where do I begin reading? Here is an (incomplete) list of recommended readings. You may also want to read our article, A Brief Summary of the Bible. (Views: 213)
The Bible
Information about the Bible, God's inspired, preserved, authoritative Word, and defending the Textus Receptus (Byzantine Text) and King James Version, while exposing the modern versions as Alexandrian counterfeits.
Bible History
Follow the history of the Bible from the Garden of Eden to the present time. See how Satan and his human agents have tried to attack it, and how God has preserved it. Emphasis is placed on the Roman Catholic suppression of the Bible, and the revision conspiracy of the late 1800's, when Westcott and Hort switched Christianity from using the Byzantine text to the Alexandrian text.
Bible Series
The Bible Series is our flagship research. With much additional research into the Bible, this series combines basic bibliology, apologetics, manuscript evidence and translation evidence. The goal is twofold: 1) To convince the lost to believe the Bible and to be saved, and 2) convince the saved to use the King James Version. This is a work in progress, and will be expanded into a preaching series, multimedia presentations, sermon outlines, and Sunday School curriculum.
Bible Versions
A Bible version is a translation of the Bible into a vernacular language. Here, the good and bad of popular Bible translations are examined. Also explored are the translation techniques used to produce Bibles (formal, dynamic, paraphrase), along with God's requirements for a Bible translation.
Manuscript Evidence
The Bible proclaims that God has preserved His Word. Explore the evidence of the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts in search of the true text of God's Word. See that the true text is found in the Byzantine Manuscripts, from which the “Textus Receptus” and the King James Version came. The Alexandrian manuscripts, from which most modern Bibles com, are shown to be unreliable at best.
A Brief Summary of the Bible
The Bible is more than just a history book. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16). “[G]iven by inspiration of God” literally means “God breathed.” The Bible is God’s Word. […]
Books of the Bible
Books by their Biblical Order Order Full Name Abbreviations * Chapters 1 Genesis Gen, Gn 50 2 Exodus Ex, Exo, Exod 40 3 Leviticus Lev, Lv 27 4 Numbers Num, Nm, Nu 36 5 Deuteronomy Deut, Dt 34 6 Joshua Josh, Jos, Jsh 24 7 Judges Judg, Jdg 21 8 Ruth Ruth, Rth 4 […]
The Number of Verses in the Bible
There are a few different numbers floating around for the total number of verses in the Bible. Most people, when looking for a count, will just find and quote one of these numbers. No one has time or patience to actually count the verses. And probably the easiest way to do this would be to […]
Psalm 119: Our View of God’s Word
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. The author is unknown. It has 176 verses, broken into twenty-two stanzas (sections) of eight verses. It is an acrostic poem; there is one stanza for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and each verse in the stanza begins with that letter in the original Hebrew […]
Dean Burgon on Bible Preservation
Critics of the Byzantine Text/Textus Receptus or a “preserved text” position can invent some amazing things to discredit and explain away the doctrine of Scripture preservation. One of these is to “disprove” that this doctrine was believed historically. Dean John Burgon was a 19th century defender of the Byzantine Text. Critics will pull out quotes […]
God’s Word To Us An Introduction to the Bible, Bible Preservation, and Bible Translations
(Views: 5697)
Lost in Translation? Do all Bibles really say the same things?
1. Is it hard to get to heaven? Mark 10:24 KJV And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! NASB The disciples were amazed at His words. But Jesus […]
God’s Word Preserved Throughout History A Summary of Bible History
A study of Bible history will reveal God’s preservation of His Word from Satanic perversion. God’s Word began as a single oral command. From the very beginning, Satan caused man to doubt the Word’s authenticity and authority. From the very beginning, God was preserving His Word from Satan and his minions. The devil tries to […]